January 25, 2005

Hidden Meat

A Hidden Meat example - a few years ago I read a brilliant article about site design which coined the phrase hidden meat. A search on Google shows the phrase is popular among:
  • Vegans and vegetarians trying to stay pure (just don't eat at my Mum's place, I had a classic incident of pulling out chicken gristle from a soup she'd made herself "so she knew it was ok", zero respect for the lifestyles of others)
  • Gays, no brainer that one
  • Seinfeld fans for "a meat hidden in the sofa then eaten by dogs" episode
But the meaning I'm after is the one to do with web design and I can no longer find that site. Take a look at the site for bottled water. Where is the menu? Nowhere! until you put your mouse over the bubbles in the water and they magically appear. I wonder how many people they lose because they have no alternate menu in the footer.

One site I know where it does work is for the Weber Bros Circus with a slow loading but great fun site. The difference being that a circus is about fun, and noise and while I found the site a bit naff my children (the target market) thought it was great.


Blogger Sarah said...

I don't know if this is the original article but if not, it's close

Mystery Meat Navigation

This is from Webpages that Suck (check out their xml feed)

9:52 am  

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