November 26, 2004

Real Estate Website Success Ok, here's an idea, not mine but I'm running with it.

Get a bunch of themed sites which are trying to do link exchanges and have a central page where people can go to get all your link information, enter the pages they've added you to and click the button (which doesn't work yet).

Then my site produces and xml feed which my mates can call up and program with form buttons etc and automatically approve or reject the submissions.

I reckon it's got legs. Lets see if anyone has any interest.

November 25, 2004

Keyword Tracker Hurrah, after 3 days it's back. Something nasty with routers I gather.
Like most people who are interested in SEO I'm a fan of the Digitalpoint keyword tracker but for the last few days I've been going cold turkey and getting timeout errors when trying to access it.

I've been talking to my ISP company and they got me to do a tracert which gave me this...

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 47 ms 47 ms 47 ms []
3 188 ms 47 ms 62 ms []
4 47 ms 47 ms 47 ms []
5 47 ms 47 ms 47 ms []
6 47 ms 47 ms 47 ms []
7 172 ms 171 ms 188 ms
8 172 ms 188 ms 187 ms []
9 172 ms 188 ms 187 ms []
10 172 ms 188 ms 187 ms []
11 188 ms 172 ms 187 ms []
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.

To make it worse guys like SiteTutor have come back making cracks at me through the forum and I can't respond because I can't get to it.

So, waiting, hoping that I'm going to be back on board soon.

November 17, 2004

Winn and Sims

Winn and Sims law firm (Brian Winn and Ralph Sims) vs. Me
Don't know how widely known this site is but it's a hoot. Shawn gets my vote!

November 14, 2004

Phil's Blog
A new site I've just put up.
Speedway exceeds noise levels
This is the official nonsense on the speedway issue.
Springs Speedway Homepage : Springs Speedway
I'm no big fan of speedway but some of the locals are complaining about the noise etc. I'm in my second home in the vicinity of the track so can call myself a local and its been 7 years now. While I never intend to actually go I'd be horrified to see the racing stopped, moved, or restricted.